Last weekend we travelled up to the Lake District to shoot Lisa and John's wedding; as we drove through some rain-god's temper tantrum on the motorway, and were cajoled through stair-rods towards our destination by my faithful (if somewhat temperamental) sat-nav, we hung our heads at the thought of what a mid-October wedding in the Lake District would be like - and made sure we'd packed waterproofs and umbrellas.
Then, awakening in a lovely little boathouse on the shore of Lake Windermere to a beautiful blue sky, we realised it was all going to be alright. In the end it was a particularly relaxed day - John and Lisa were wonderful to work with, and there's a great candid feel to the finished album. Some of our favourite photos:

Next weekend we're off to Coventry, so here's hoping the weather holds!
Family and friends can log in to our website to view all the photos from John and Lisa's wedding at
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