With the new year have come new projects, both in the studio and out of it. Quite quickly the period for settling in has come and gone - the real work is starting now. Studio work is high-pressure, but the results can be amazing - you need to be able to cope with complex lighting setups and some quick mental arithmetic without too much thought, so those higher brain functions can be dedicated to the imagination - thinking up new approaches to images, not only that look good and are comfortable for your client, but that get a bit of their soul in the shot.
No wonder people around the world still see photographers as stealing people's souls. A good shot can often do just that - or at least borrow it for a while...

One of the many great shots from Karen's modelling portfolio, put together in the studio in only half a day. You wouldn't have guessed this was her first foray into professional modelling!

A study in perfect hair-lighting...

The eyes are a window to the soul...

"How did he do that?"


Fiona's headshots - just a bit nicer than a passport photo...!